Branding and Web Design
Senior project 2023, Individual Work
Project info
Streelo is a street art-based website that aims to create a safe community for artists to practice their craft without facing destruction of their art in areas they are not yet welcomed. The platform will give the street artists access to local maps that highlight legal and authority-tolerated areas they can illustrate on, helping them communicate and reach a larger audience.
Street art is an original type of art found only in the streets. It is the visual form of art created on surfaces in public spaces for public visibility. It is usually created as a way to convey a message associated with political ideas or social commentary.
While some view this art as an approach to bring messages or beauty to an audience, a majority of people see it as a form of vandalism. This goes back to street artists performing art without permission. Consequently, the suppression of street artworks made the art hard to spot in public spaces and thus less known. Additionally, it became a challenge for street artists to gain publicity in such circumstances.
Changing the way street art is viewed. By creating a safe street art community, artists can practice their craft legally without facing destruction. A street art-based website will give them access to local maps that highlight legal and authority-tolerated areas they can practice whichever form of art on. It will serve as a way for these artists to communicate and reach a larger audience.